Friday, November 8, 2013

The Little Stuff

I want to give all of those interested a taste of what style we have planned for this wedding. This post will be like an inspiration board and it might get a little long with all of the pictures. I know what you are thinking and, yes, I got it all from Pinterest! What a life saver that website is!

Since I briefly mentioned in my last post that I am visiting a cake baker next week, I'll start with my cake ideas. Don't get me wrong. Big, fancy, and extravagant cakes are beautiful (not to mention expensive!) but, thats just not my style. I don't want to spend a ton of money on something that we are all just going to eat! The cake is going to be delicious no matter what. I like simple. In fact, this whole wedding is going to be simple, or at least simple looking! 

This pretty cake was one of the first that caught my eye. But, I started to see more and more cakes that had flowers incorporated into them and I absolutely love the idea of that. 

Since I'm using lavender as my main flower throughout the wedding, I thought this would be the perfect type of cake to have. Well, Brittney does not like icing all that much and that's not a bad thing!

If it was, we wouldn't have this absolutely adorable style of cake called "naked cakes"! I think this is so cute and definitely fits my simple style! There are much cuter ones on the interwebs, but, this is the only one I could find with lavender flowers on it.

While we are on the topic of flowers, I'll show you what I have in mind there. 

Once again, simple! I believe Destiny, from Poppy and Mint Floral, will be able to pull this off perfectly!

In my last post, I talked about the bridesmaids' attire. So, I will give you a bit about what the men will be wearing. We haven't found any specific pants that we like yet, so, these are just ideas.

Our groomsmen will be looking so dapper! I imagine this, but with lavender ties and Brittney wearing a bow tie, of course. It will most likely be hot so I didn't want the fellas to be burning up in tuxes. Plus, like I said, that's just not my style.

I have also chosen "Save The Dates"! I went with VistaPrint because you just cannot beat their prices! They have so much to choose from, whether it's for holiday cards, business cards, invitations, and everything wedding. Check them out here. Ours are going to be magnets, which is one trend that I LOVE. I'm not going to give them away completely but here is the template. I am changing up the fonts and such a bit but it will be super cute!

Well, I think that's about it for this post. Tune in late this week and I will share more of my planning accomplishments! And who knows, maybe I will post a recipe or something before then. Until then, I will just leave you with this adorable picture of us. 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I recently saw the concept of "naked cakes" somewhere, and they look interesting. I love the simplicity and how rustic the cakes look without all the fondant. I think you definitely should add sprigs of lavender to your cake.
